Geoinformation quality  

Adoption of theoretical knowledge and empirical skills of determination, valuation and presentation of geoinformation and geodata quality. Active empirical application of processes, procedures and methods of determination, valuation and presentation of geoinformation and geodata quality. Define the general framework of international and national processes related to manufacturing quality of surveying products with a focus on the production of geospatial information and geodata; and taking into account the aspect of analogue and digital production technologies. Use appropriate technical terminology in the field of geoinformation and geodata quality in Croatian and English. Declare contemporary principles, concepts, methods and procedures for determining the quality and presentation of geoinformation and geodata quality. Explain the methodology, concepts and content of standardization processes in products production and products definition as a prerequisite for determining and presenting the quality of geoinformation and geodata. Compare the different types and ways of standards systematization and relations between the standards and specifications ofgeoinformation, geodata and geoinformation products. Systematize in accordance with ISO and Croatian standards quality components to describe the quality of geoinformation and geodata (numerical and descriptive), the quality elements of geoinformation and geodata, descriptors and measures of the quality of geoinformation and geodata. Systematize in accordance with ISO and Croatian standards methods of samples determining for the purpose of evaluating and labeling geoinformation and geodata quality (direct and indirect, non-automatic and automatic, internal and external). Develop a plan to evaluate the quality of geoinformation and geodata, including definition of processes, procedures and methods to evaluate the quality with the refinement of relevant numerical and descriptive elements of quality. Implement the evaluation of the geoinformation and geodata quality, and reporting on the outcome of quality determination using a standardized framework for reporting (report on quality, metadata). Describe the Croatian national geoinformation and geodata production system, the specifics of the system, national geoinformation products, data sets and Croatian national quality control system.
Geoinformation quality

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).