Integrated projects  

As a capstone project, students develop, test and validate the compe- tences required for ‘putting it all together’. Acknowledging the differ- ences between ‘the whole and its many parts’, challenges from com- pleting a major project through all its stages are successfully dealt with. From problem analysis, conceptualization, workflow design and data acquisition to schema implementation, analyses, validation and com- munication of essential outcomes, all major phases of a project are practiced. In particular, skill sets for collaborative work and structuring of larger projects are developed. Based on impulse elements and struc- tured inputs in the domains of project management, presentation tech- niques, moderation / facilitation and controlling / supervision, a project reflecting the key elements of practice-oriented work flows will qualify students to function in teams and to start organizing tasks and chal- lenges into structured projects. In addition, by being familiar with stand- ard project management and communication steps, graduates will con- fidently accept responsibilities within major project environments. At the same time, this experience will be a major contribution to successfully develop and complete the master thesis
Integrated projects

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