Characterisation of the subsurface  

This module focusses on the structural and sedimentological architecture of the rocks in the Earth that are important for Geo- Energy Engineering applications. The properties of rocks, as well as their variabilities on all scales, are assessed and quantified. Knowledge of the various processes taking place in the Earth and at the Earth's surface help the students assess and predict subsurface architecture and properties. The units consists of an understanding and modelling of how subsurface reservoirs are build up with respect to reservoir properties and facies distributions. How those changes in properties and distributions can be correlated to variations in sedimentary deposition due to past climate fluctuations within different tectonic settings. How those changes can be complemented within the structural framework in the subsurface (tectonics, deformation, compaction, faulting and folding). After completing this module, students will be able to: Evaluate and quantify process controlling spatial and temporal changes in sedimentological and structural properties of sedimentary successions. [ILO A,C] Evaluate and quantify state of stress in sedimentary basins, the way rocks deform and the mechanic factors controlling their response to geo-energy activities. Predict spatial and temporal changes of stress, strain and mechanic properties in the subsurface. [ILO A,C] Interpret the various sedimentary successions and structural features from theory, field, seismic and borehole data. [ILO A,C] Evaluate how to build sedimentary and structural reservoir models and choose appropriate rock properties and property distributions to characterise the model (including sources of uncertainties) Analyse the origin and scales of heterogeneities in sedimentary deposits and structural features and integrate these into representative elementary volumes Appraise the models in geo-energy related test cases and analyse the solution and investigate the role of uncertainties, sensitivities and relationships for the different test cases Work as a team on subject-related assignments and report findings and interpretations, including codes and choices made, in a structured and consistent way. Education Method See Brightspace for more detailed information on th
Characterisation of the subsurface

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