Applications in soil and water chemistry  

Contents: Various aspects of chemical interactions of compounds in the soil-water environment (nutrients, contaminants) and their applications are part of this course. Most relevant process studied is speciation (especially adsorption and complexation). Applications focus on practical calculation and measurement procedures (what should be measured). Lectures: fundamental aspects and practical applicability of speciation processes in soil, groundwater and surface water; applications to soil remediation, soil fertility, water quality, risk assessment, etc. PC practical: structural approach in solving chemical equilibria (speciation calculations) using a computer model. Lab practical: determination of adsorption behaviour of heavy metals to solid and suspended particles (clay, oxides, organic matter); chemical analysis (AAS, TOC, pH); parameter fitting (multiple linear regression). Tutorials: assignments related to lecture topics; simulation of adsorption behaviour using a speciation model . Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: conduct laboratory experiments to determine adsorption isotherms, analyse important chemical soil and water characteristics and interpret experimental results; analyse speciation problems in soil-water systems and perform speciation calculations with a computer speciation model; describe and predict compound behaviour in soil and surface water; indicate applicability of speciation in soil and water chemistry.
Applications in soil and water chemistry

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