Msc guided research  

In addition to the Graduation Research, all Earth Sciences MSc students have to perform a second individual project. When conducting a Guided Research project, the student demonstrates advanced knowledge in the field of the MSc programmes and skills to pursue independent research. These skills include: preparing and initiating a research project; analysing and processing data; writing a research report. Content A Guided Research is similar to an MSc Research project but the expectations regarding the autonomy and independence of the student in a Guided Research project are lower. This applies particularly to developing the research objectives and methodology. Furthermore, an oral presentation of the results is not obligatory and not part of the assessment. The topic of the Guided Research has to fit within, or has strong links with, one of the Earth Sciences programmes. The methodology can be based on literature studies but can also include practical activities such as: fieldwork, lab-work or computer-based simulation/modelling. In any case, a permanent member of the scientific staff of the department of Earth Sciences or Physical Geography is responsible for the supervision and research assessment. Postdocs and PhD-students may be involved in the daily supervision and can act as second supervisors. It is possible that the Guided Research project is performed at another academic or non-academic institution. In this case, a staff member at the host institution will be in charge of the daily supervision who is typically then also the second supervisor. If the project does not involve a second supervisor, a second reviewer has to be assigned to the project. Typically, the second reviewer is only involved in the assessment of the report. However, the second reviewer takes over the responsibilities of the first supervisor if necessary. As part of the project prepares an individual report written in English. This report is a stand-alone document and it is inadmissible that it text overlaps with any other report/thesis, including those produced by the student himself/herself. The credit load of a Guided Research can vary between 7.5 and 30 ECTS credits in steps of 7.5 ECTS credits.
Msc guided research

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