Optical materials  

Position of the course Introducing the microscopic origin of optical phenomena and transferring concepts from microscopic to macroscopic descriptions. Illustrating optical properties like anisotropy, non-linearity and variation by means of electric, elastic, acoustic or magnetic effects in basic components. All lectures are held atVUB with co-lecturer from UGent. Content Introduction Properties of linear isotropic materials: examples, microscopic theory, definitions Light propagation in anisotropic dielectrics: polarisation, propagation, matrix Formalism, reflection Properties of linear anisotropic dielectrics: tensors, types of materials, optical activity Modification of optical properties: microscopic theory, electro- photo- elasto- acousto- Magneto- optic effects Liquid crystals: types of ordering, switching behavior Non-linear optical materials: Second-order effects, phase-relations, OPO, material examples. ALGEMENE COMPETENTIES Final competences Understand and explain the microscopic and macroscopic theory of linear (isotropic and anisotropic) optical materials and light propagation. Understand and explain mechanisms for modifying the optical properties of materials: electric, magnetic, elastic and acoustic methods, including liquid crystals. Understand and explain basic non-linear optical effects Solve exercises that are based on linear (isotropic and anisotropic) optical materials, modification of optical properties and liquid crystals. Calculate the propagation of light and the change in polarization Make written and oral reports about optical phenomena and devices Grading The final grade is composed based on the following categories:
Optical materials

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