Quantum electrodynamics  

Quantum theory of the free e.m.field: Maxwell equations, global and local gauge symmetries, quantization of the e.m.field, state vectors of the e.m.field, coherent states. Interaction between radiation and matter, dipole radiation, photon scattering off electrons, Thompson cross-section, natural linewidth. Second quantization: occupation number representation for bosons and fermions, relation to first quantization, field operators. Interacting quantum fields: FeynmannGoldstone diagrams. Application for nonrelativistic bremsstrahlung: Coulomb interaction, bremsstrahlung cross-section. Divergences and renormalization in QED: quantumfluctuations, Casimir effect. Renormalization of the electron mass: nonrelativistic approach, Lamb shift, method of Bethe. Electromagnetic coupling using the Dirac equation: minimal coupling, covariant e.m. coupling. Foldy- Wouthuysen transformation: free particle, e.m.field, applicaton to the H-atom. Compton effect, Klein-Nishinaformula, charge conjugation in Dirac theory, particle-antiparticle transformation, hole theory. Final competences: 1 Calculate autonomously electromagnetic processes in different branches of modern physics. 2 Have a coherent overview of electromagnetic processes in astrophysics, elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics. 3 Evaluate and apply the contents of the specialized literature on these topics. 4 Give a clear presentation on a chosen subject matter related to QED. 5 Analyze and solve complex problems in QED.
Quantum electrodynamics

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