Flight mechanics of launch and reentry systems  

Launch toward East: advantages. The ECI Frame and orbital parameters (target conditions). The EFI frame and the Launch site equation. Launch windows. Launch sites. Launch systems from movable platform. Tsiolkovsky Formula. Single stage to orbit ? Optimal Staging. Planar equation of motion and Losses Equation. Gravity losses. Phases of flight. Stage re-entry and dispersion ellipses. General equation of flight. Ballistic Reentry. Peak of heat and peak of load. Entry corridor evaluation. Entry with lift. Entry Capsule control. The Flat Earth approximation. The SCOUT launcher. Engines and actuators. Aerodynamic data. Stage separation. Q-Guidance. ICBM re-entry. CHASER: AIM-9X Sidewinder Aerodynamic stability derivatives from A11, actuator (canard fin deflection) and sensors (acceleration and rate gyro) Interception Algos: Pure Pursuit (PP) guidance. Interception Algos: Collision Triangle and Proportional Navigation (PN) guidance. Interception Algos: Augmented Proportional Navigation (APN guidance). CHASER: Short period dynamics @ two different combat scenarios. (topics in italic are additional ones, mandatory for students following MBDA course)
Flight mechanics of launch and reentry systems

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