Research project 4: preparation for research degree  

Your learning on this unit An overview of content The aim of this unit is to enable students to further develop the skills of managing a significant technical problem that is loosely defined, and whose solution, or method of approach, that has much that is unknown. Specifically, this unit aims to prepare students for application to a research degree (PhD), by enabling in-depth individual study, in combination with developing scientific communication skills. How will students, personally, be different as a result of the unit Students will have completed an extended piece of independent research, providing them with the skills and experience to apply for a research degree. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this project, the student will have acquired skills to: scope a research proposal to address an open-ended problem, evaluate and critique academic and technical literature, apply engineering knowledge to solve novel and open-ended problems, independently develop technical depth (analytical, numerical, experimental) through application, critically analyse and evaluate technical results, effectively communicate in-depth technical knowledge in the format of an academic paper, effectively communicate technical knowledge in an oral presentation, effectively discuss and defend technical knowledge verbally.
Research project 4: preparation for research degree

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).