Manned space travel  

Learning outcomes The module provides knowledge about the basics of planning and implementing manned space travel. It includes both technical concepts of manned spacecraft as well as the basics of medical and psychological processes involved in the Adaptation of the human body to the space environment. This course is intended to enable students to: To recognize the complexity of manned space travel in order to provide technical solutions for space exploration, taking into account the medical and psychological effects on the human body. By acquiring this knowledge you should students will be able to participate in the research, development and operation of manned space missions requires a high degree of interdisciplinary thinking. Teaching content The content of the module covers the following topics: - History of manned space travel - Human capabilities and limitations in space - psychological selection and training of astronauts - Microgravity and altered dark-light cycle as primary stressors in space - Basic questions of physiological adaptation to microgravity (cardiovascular system, vestibular system, bone-muscle system system, motor skills) - Effects of living and working conditions in space on cognitive and psychomotor performance - Impact of confinement and isolation on astronaut well-being and behavioral health - psychological challenges of future exploration missions to the Moon and Mars - Orbital equipment - Life support systems - Space transportation systems and space stations - Exploration strategies and mission architectures - Characteristics and potential of space propulsion - Technologies of in-situ resource use and their potential
Manned space travel

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