Space electronics  

Learning Outcomes Nowadays, it is required that space systems engineers have basic knowledge and skills in electronics. Electronics and electrical hardware and software are significant parts of any space mission. The systems engineer must understand the main requirements on spacecraft equipment and their interconnections with respect to electrical characteristics and interfaces. The module imparts the practical skills relevant to designing hardware and software for a spacecraft. After completion of the course, the student will be able to - recognize the importance of having knowledge in electronics as space systems engineer, - recognize conventions (e.g. names, symbols, units) that are commonly used in electronics, - explain the concepts of electrical potential (e.g. voltage, current, work, power, DC, AC), - recognize the hazards of working with electronics, - use basic laboratory equipment for electronics (e.g. multimeter, power supply, oscilloscope, frequency generator), - apply basic laws of electronics for circuit design (e.g. voltage, current, work, power, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws), - use basic analog parts for circuit design (e.g. resistor, capacitor, diodes, transistors, op-amps), - design basic circuit diagrams for the purpose of interfacing with equipment (e.g. sensors, actuators, computers), - use breadboards for prototyping electrical circuits, - simulate the behavior of circuits using software tools, - design printed circuit boards, - explain the processes of manufacturing and procuring printed circuit boards, - solder circuit boards, - interpret datasheet of integrated circuits, - connect and use any integrated circuit, - apply basic laws of digital electronics (binary coding, binary calculations, hexadecimal, gate logic), - explain the internal composition of microcontrollers, - use basic functions of a microcontroller (e.g. interrupts, I/Os, timer, ADC, PWM, communication interfaces, memory), - controls sensors and actuators using a microcontroller (e.g. temperature sensor, IMU, servo), - explain the challenges of space electronics design, - explain the approach for the design, realization, and qualification of electronics in the different phases of a space project, - describe the general electrical architecture of a satellite, - describe special features of space electronics design (e.g. current limiting, latch-up protection, redundancy), - select the relevant ECSS standards for electrical design, - recognize the challenges of spacecraft on-board software design, - explain the software architecture of a satellite, - practice the steps of the software development process. Content The module consists of two lecture courses. In Space Electronics 1, the focus is set on introducing the student to analog electronics, handling basic hardware and software tools. Space Electronics 2 sets a focus on digital electronics. The following main topics are covered in the course. - Basic analog parts (e.g. resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor, op-amp) - Using basic electrical laws (e.g. Ohm's law, Kirchoffs laws) - Design and simulation of electrical circuits (e.g. KiCAD, LTSpice) - Handling of laboratory equipment (e.g. mulitmeter, oscilloscope) - Basics of digital electronics (e.g. ICs, boolean algebra, microcontrollers) - Programming of microcontrollers - Hardware related electronic design aspects for spacecraft - Software related electronics design aspects for spacecraft
Space electronics

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