Discrete mathematics  

Renew and expand the knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and methods used in computer engineering / informatics science. Develop a sense of different degrees of mathematical rigor and formalism and learn to use them in problem solving tasks. Distinguish parts of mathematics that studies finite systems, i.e. deals with objects that can assume only a specific value. Argue the reasons why the characteristics of the computer are described within the framework of finite mathematical systems. Become familiar with the language of computer science. recognize and apply basic types of mathematical reasoning; define and classify binary relations on sets knowing their properties and typical examples; pronounce and apply the properties of relations in systems for data processing and for the development of functional algorithms; adopt basic combinatorial concepts and counting rules and recognize them when counting the elements of a finite set; determine the generating function of the starting sequence and identify and solve simple recurrence relations; apply the theory of Boolean algebra to design logic circuits and networks; distinguish the basic concepts of graph theory; Compare and model certain combinatorial problems using graph theory (shortest path algorithm, nearest neighbor algorithm,…).
Discrete mathematics

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