Astrophysics - state exams  

Blackbody radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law, specific intensity, flux, K-integral, Absorption and emission coefficient, Source function, Transfer equation, Radiative equilibrium and Milne equations, Grey atmosphere, Continuum absorption coefficient, Model atmosphere, Line absorption, Behavior of spectral lines, Chemical analysis and the line transfer equation, Stellar rotation, Turbulence in stellar atmospheres. Sources of stellar energy, Time scales, Conservation laws, The equations of stellar evolution, Properties of matter and energy transport, Nuclear reactions, Nuclear reaction rates and Gamow peak, Equilibrium stellar configurations, The stability of stars (thermal instability in degenerate gas, thin shell instability, dynamic instability, convection), Stellar evolution in rho-T diagram, An evolution of the stellar core and a structure of the star, The pre-main-sequence phase in HR diagram, Stellar evolution on the main sequence, Evolution away from main-sequence in HR diagram, Final stages of stellar evolution. Outcome: The students will proof the understanding of radiative transfer and the structure and evolution of stars.
Astrophysics - state exams

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