Information security and personal data protection  

Information security is the protection of corporate and personal data and digital identities. It is defined as the strategic capability of companies to ensure their continuous operation and achieve goals. The study course covers information security and personal data protection, information security management processes and information protection measures. Outcome: Understands the key concepts of information security and personal data protection. - Test and exam (in the form of knowledge test). Tests will include theoretical and practical tasks. To pass the tests, at least 70% of the questions must be answered correctly. Able to classify information. - Practical work in classes. Individual and group work. Able to analyse IT risks - be able to identify and assess the risks of IT resources and the risks of third parties. - Practical work in classes. Individual and group work. Able to plan business continuity, perform business impact analysis and plan IT business recovery. - Practical work in classes. Individual and group work. Able to identify, classify, analyse, prevent and communicate an information security incident. - Practical work in classes. Individual and group work. Understands forensic methods and is able to apply them to the investigation of an information security incident. - Practical work in classes. Individual and group work. Understands information security and personal data protection management methodologies, regulatory enactments and applicable standards (ISO 27000 group, etc.). - Test and exam (in the form of knowledge test). Tests will include theoretical and practical tasks. To pass the tests, at least 70% of the questions must be answered correctly. Able to define and implement the main necessary measures for the protection of personal data in the company's IT control environment. - Practical work in classes. Individual or group work.
Information security and personal data protection

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