Enterprise information technology architecture, applications and integration  

Commercially available enterprise information systems are often used in implementation and automation of enterprise business processes. The objective of the course is to master main principles of enterprise information systems, their deployment and modification. Main topics covered in the course are business process modeling, application of ERP, workflow and other enterprise systems in process automation, modification and deployment of enterprise information systems, integration of enterprise information systems and adoption service-oriented computing in enterprise systems. Technologies for the modification of enterprise systems are explored in laboratories. Outcome: To know main functional capabilities of enterprise applications and their application areas - Test Ability to select the most appropriate solution for business process automation - Coursework and examination To understand implementation life-cycle of enterprise applications and main implementation activities - Examination Ability to document implementation of enterprise applications - Coursework Ability to configure enterprise applications and to modify user interface, reports and elements of enterprise portal - Laboratory work Ability to orchestrate executable business processes and knowledge of integration standards - Laboratory work
Enterprise information technology architecture, applications and integration

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