Activities of aerospace companies  

The study course is aimed at the study of the basics of rational use and efficient management of aerospace companies, financial and investment resources in the production and sale of aerospace services, as well as the development of skills and competence in the evaluation of aerospace thinking and management decisions. Outcome: Able to analyse the literature and obtain the necessary information. - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Knows international, European and Latvian normative documents, standards and recommendations. - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to analyse documentation. - Practical works. Control work. Able to develop an economic-mathematical model and use programming languages to solve the considered tasks. - Practical works. Testing. Exam. Able to determine and calculate works resource tax and their utilization rates. - Practical works. Control work. Able to perform financial analysis in transportation aerospace companies. - Practical works. Control work. Able to assess the economic efficiency of the aerospace company. - Practical works. Control work.
Activities of aerospace companies

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