
The study course uncovers the basic concepts of psychology as a science and the interaction of human personality, emotions, behaviour and cognitive processes. The study course begins with an understanding of psychology as a science, its applied and research aspects. Further personality processes are discussed, which also includes motivation, values, temperament, character, and emotions. Students have the opportunity to conduct self-evaluation with the help of psychometric surveys and interpretation of results. The course concludes with cognitive processes - memory, attention, thinking, intellect, decision making, consciousness and mind and creativity. Students are given the opportunity to conduct self-evaluation about their cognitive processes. Various teaching methods are used in the acquisition of the study course - case studies, discussions, surveys and tests, presentations, group work, videos, etc. audience engagement techniques. Outcome: Knows and recognizes the basic concepts of psychology, explains their essence. - Exam, group discussions, case studies, answers to the course lecturer’s questions. Understands the differences and similarities between behaviour, personality, emotions, and cognitive processes, their influence methods. - Exam, self-assessment. Uses appropriate psychological terminology to describe psychological processes. - Presentation of small group work, exam, discussions. Is able to interpret psychological characteristics on the basis of self-evaluation as a result of one's own development and justifies future steps in one's personal growth. - Exam, self-assessment Plans own future personal growth and development by making evidence-based decisions in an ethical, creative and socially responsible way. - Exam, self-assessment, case studies. Takes responsibility for the manifestations of one's personality, emotions, motivation, and cognitive aspects in behaviour, models it according to one's strengths in a socially responsible way. - Exam, arguments in small group discussions, answers to the lecturer’s questions, explanation and interpretation of questionnaire and test results. Expresses an empathetic and accepting attitude towards oneself and diversity in the environment in order to promote growth and development in the personal and professional environment. - Exam, self-assessment, behavior in group discussions, involvement in group work, expression of opinion and arguments.

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