Cybersecurity and law  

The course develops basic orientation of the students in the legal instruments of securing protection against cybercrime by providing knowledge of the enforced criminal and administrative legislation and its implementation, as well as practical knowledge and skills to recognize, investigate and prevent cybercrime. The course provides knowledge in the field of types of cybercrime, modus operandi, criminal consequences, perpetrator’s profile, crime discovery and proving. The training methodology includes interactive lectures, role-plays, practical tasks and simulations. It also envisages the participation of practicing judges, prosecutors and special-unit investigators in the seminars, conducting of topic-based seminar exercises, case-solving, visits and internship in the judiciary, prosecution and lawenforcement institutions, incl. General Directorate ‘Fight against Organized Crime’ and Interpol. The knowledge and skill which are expected to be developed by the students establish conditions for their high-competitive professional realization in the sectors of criminal justice, state administration, international relations, national security, and businesses Outcome: After the course has been accomplished the acquired knowledge and skills include: - free professional usage of penal-law terminology and familiarity with the special preventive and regulative legislation and its terminology; - ability to recognize types of cybercrime related to abuse of or impact against information systems, technology, or data, modus operandi and tools for their perpetration, typical crime schemes, motivation mechanism, perpetrator’s profile; - differentiation of criminal from non-criminal conduct; - ability to undertake measures within students’ main professional domain to prevent cybercrime in the area of their professional activities; - well-integrated basic knowledge of cybercrime discovery and investigation and the ole of the court-expertise and court experts in the evidence-gathering process, including innovative approaches and techniques in the area; - basic personal experience in the recognition of a cybercrime, its detection, investigation and establishing, court-expert’s counteraction with investigation and judiciary authorities, including team-work and performing under role-distribution.
Cybersecurity and law

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