Hydrographic survey  

This course provides students with an introduction to Hydrographic Surveying and includes a field class. Outcome: On completing this course students will be able to: ■ Explain the dynamic environment in which hydrographic surveys take place and its effects on surveys; ■ Assess the suitability of positioning methods for various applications; ■ Compare techniques available for measuring and reducing water depth; ■ Explain the operation and calibration of standard hydrographic sensors and systems; ■ Assess data collection techniques against standard survey classification requirements; ■ Explain how typical hydrographic surveys may be planned and carried out; ■ Discuss the content and representation methods of hydrographic charts; ■ Set up a hydrographic survey software system and experiment with it for common offshore survey operations; ■ Process and present collected hydrographic data including multibeam.
Hydrographic survey

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