Introduction to blockchain technology  

Description: A very brief description of major subjects or activities. Major activities include (1) self-study of the course material given in the course Website, (2) active participation at the workshop. During workshop students will have to perform the given work assignments, to fill in the questionnaires and to execute quizzes. Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes U1. Students will be able to 1. Explain basic blockchain concepts, such as cryptographic components, consensus components, and major blockchain structures. 2. explain basic principles and applications of the smart contracts. Learning outcomes U2. Students will be able to 1. Select among the blockchain platform, select and formalise requirements for the specific scenario. 2. Design a specification according to the given scenario. Learning outcomes U3. Students will be able to 1. Apply regulatory and legal frameworks for the blockchain operations. 2. Recommend blockchain technology for business and operation innovation. 3. Perform SWOT analysis of the blockchain application. 4. Design blockchain business processes and business logics. 5. Explain blockchain features for the growth of the (impacted) industry. Learning outcomes U4. Students will be able to 1. Engineer requirements and design the blockchain applications. 2. Collect and formalise functional and non- functional requirements and to select the blockchain platform. 3. Design and test existing blockchain based PoC. 4. Develop and apply appropriate blockchain architecture.
Introduction to blockchain technology

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).