Final examination  

Learning outcomes The characteristics of the final exam are the following: • 1) The final test aims at evaluating the candidate ability to perform independently: • a) the deepening of one of the teachings of the Degree Course, or the integration of curricular activities assigned by the Course; • b) the independent illustration in the form of an oral and/or written presentation of the work done; • 2) The final exam, and therefore the activity corresponding to it, is awarded 3 credits equal to 75 hours in total. • 3) In an academic year there are 6 graduation sessions (Art. 25 University Didactic Regulations) to be held before the relative official proclamations. • 4) The final exam is entrusted to a Degree Commission appointed by the Director of the Department, upon proposal of the Degree Course. This commission, having assessed the final exam, determines the degree mark.
Final examination

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