
Contents: Social scientists are often interested in relationships between different variables, e.g. consumption and prices. The objective of econometrics is to quantify such relationships using available data and statistical techniques and to interpret and use the resulting outcomes. So, econometrics is the interaction between (economic) theory, data and statistical methods (e.g. estimation and testing). The interaction of these three elements makes econometrics interesting and a must for the dedicated social scientist. The use of econometric tools stretches from economic and business disciplines to social science fields like sociology and history. The course helps to understand a number of econometric issues and techniques, where emphasis is on applying econometrics to research questions in the broad field of social sciences. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: - compare various econometric techniques - interpret econometric models and results of analysis - calculate econometric tests statistics and indicators - assess the quality of econometric analyses on the basis of various statistical tests and indicators - construct simple econometric models and estimate them using econometric techniques.

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