Physics and engineering  

Obligatory base module 1 Learning outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Express the basic principles of the physical concept of the Nature (such as atomistic principle, energetic minimum, absolute speed, Pauli exclusion principle, wave-particle dualism, uncertainty principle), and refer to their exertion; 2. Possess the knowledge considering the mathematical background and calculus necessary for the description of physical processes (e.g., graphical representations, differentiation and integration, application of complex numbers), and recognize the main attributes and occurrence conditions of main functions present in physics (e.g., linear, power, exponent, harmonic); 3. Know the physical quantities describing the most important natural phenomena and properties including their abbreviations and measuring units; recognize the reasonable order of magnitude of physical quantities. 4. Use the vocabulary introduced at the lectures to explain the basic principles of some high-tech devices applying physical terminology in a correct way; 5. Solve the physical problems within the limits of example exercises available via the web support of the course. Brief description of content The course is targeted to the quick and efficient introduction of the main principles of the current physics (matter and field, fermions and bosons, absolute speed, energy minimum, etc.), whereas the previous knowledge in physics is not required. In most important cases, the examples are illustrated considering the application of the mathematical methods in physics (differentiation, integration, complex numbers). The students also learn to explain the operating principles of selected technical devices applying physical terminology in a correct way.
Physics and engineering

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