Quantitative water management  

At the end of the course the student will be able to: present an overview of quantitative regional and local water management issues, with focus on drainage (Dutch topic) and design and management of reservoirs (international topic); perform calculations that promote understanding c.q. proper application of current theory and practice in the above mentioned fields; appreciate different visions and occasional conflicts between the theory and practice of regional and local water management; reflect on current and future developments in quantitative water management in the context of global change. Content Groundwater drainage: Donnan, Hooghoudt and beyond. Groundwater drainage practice in The Netherlands: agricultural vs. urban areas. Urban stormwater drainage and the urban water assignment: pluvial flooding and sewer management, flooding from regional surface waters, and governance issues. Side effects of drainage: downstream flooding, land subsidence, salinization and operational water resources management, ecohydrological drought, and foundation damage. Reservoir management and irrigation: basics of irrigation scheduling, hydrological change and sustainable reservoir planning and management
Quantitative water management

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