Unsaturated zone hydrology  

This course covers the theory and principles of soil physics, soil moisture storage, unsaturated flow and transport, matric flow, infiltration, preferential flow and evaporation, the determination of soil physical parameters, soil moisture dynamics, the use of state-of-the-art 1D and 2D unsaturated zone models and a critical evaluation of unsaturated flow theories. After completing the course the student has in-depth knowledge of the above mentioned topics. Content This course covers the theory and principles of soil physics, soil moisture storage, unsaturated flow and transport, matrix flow, infiltration, preferential flow and evaporation, the determination of soil physical parameters, soil moisture dynamics, the use of an unsaturated flow model (Hydrus), the use of an integrated soil-water-atmosphere-plant model (SWAT) and a critical evaluation of unsaturated flow theories. After completion of the course a student has in-depth knowledge of the above mentioned topics. Contributions to the following skills: 2. ability work in teams (practicals) 4. Problem solving skills (homework exercises) 8. Analytical/quantitative skills (equation solving) 9. technical skills (computer skills).
Unsaturated zone hydrology

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