Strength of materials and structures  

Introductory information. Experimental basis for the determination of mechanical properties of materials. Calculation of tensile and compressive strength of rods. Moments of inertia of plane figures. Internal forces in rods. Bending of a straight bar. Axis of deflection of a straight bar. Statically indeterminate bending beams. Stress state theory. Strain state theory. Relationships between defor- mation state and stress state. Stress hypotheses. Torsion of bars. Compound action of internal forces in simple rods. General energy theorems and their application. Curved rods. Stability of rods. Fun- damentals of stress analysis, free torsion of rods of any cross-sec- tion. Non-free deformation of thin-walled rods of open cross-sec- tions. Axially symmetric thin-walled tanks. Thin plates. Elements of dynamics of elastic systems. Stress of materials under periodically varying loads. Material creep.
Strength of materials and structures

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