Advanced statistical physics  

Statistical physics of interacting gases (Gibbs' formulation of equilibrium state thermodynamics of interacting gases. Partition function. Mayer’s cluster expansion. Virial expansion. Beth-Uhlenbeck approach to quantum gases. Equation of state of multicomponent plasma with applications to stars. Chemical equilibrium and Saha equation. Gravitational equilibrium of stars for different equations of state.) Statistical physics of quantized fields. (The method of quantized fields. Low-temperature behavior of Bose gas, Bose-Einstein condensation. Low-lying excitations in Fermi systems. Fermi-liquid theory. Equation of state of degenerate matter, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. Weak equilibrium and change neutrality conditions. Gravitational equilibrium of white dwarfs and neutron stars.) Phase transitions (Phase transitions in Van-der-Waals gas. Lattice models. Spontaneous magnetization of a ferromagnet. Lattice gas and binary alloys. Ising model in the Bethe approximation. Critical exponents. Thermodynamic inequalities. Landau’s theory of second- order phase transitions. Crystallization of white dwarf matter. Phase transitions from hadronic to quark matter in neutron stars.) Renormalization group approach (Basic scalings. Simple examples of renormalization. General formation of renormalization group equations. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Linear response theory. Photon and neutrino interactions in the stellar matter within the linear response theory.) Fluctuations (Thermodynamic fluctuations. Spatial correlations. Fluctuation analysis on the example of Brownian motion. Statistical physics of nuclear reaction in stars, pycnonuclear reactions in neutron stars.)
Advanced statistical physics

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