Scientific communication  

The aim of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge of scientific communication, preparation of scientific and popular scientific publications and public professional activities - participation in scientific, innovation and technology exhibitions and conferences, preparation and presentation of reports, maintenance of professional profiles in social networks for other activities. To achieve this goal, the course includes lectures led by lecturers with experience in communication, journalism and public relations at a professional level. In practical tasks, students will have to prepare various samples of communication elements - statements, draft scientific article or report, conference presentation, etc. The practical work performed by the students will be discussed and evaluated in seminars, evaluating the peculiarities of each type of communication. Tasks of the course: To provide an opportunity for students to promote knowledge about the successful and comprehensible preparation of a scientific message to the public, employees of public administration structures and institutions. The course is taught in Latvian or English. Course responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne Results Knowledge: 1. Manages the process of scientific activity, production of scientific publications and their structure, 2. Shows that he has mastered the basics of public relations and the diversity of forms and types of public communication. Skills: 3. Skills of evaluation and planning of communication process and its content implementation, 4. Use of media and social networks in public communication, Competence: 5. Competently assess the risks and opportunities of public communication. 6. Uses an adequate communication tool in international and Latvian practice.
Scientific communication

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