Assessment and management of resources  

The aim of the study course is to improve students knowledge of the Earth,natural and environmental resources, their assessment approaches and methodology, basic principles of sustainable usage of the resources and their management instruments.The tasks of the study course are: 1. to increase students knowledge on various Earth,natural and environmental resources, their sustainable and management tools; 2. to introduce students to forest inventory and economic evaluation of forest resources as a precondition for ensurance of resources sustainable use; 3. to increase students knowledge on impacting factors of agriculture land productivity; 4. to ensure basic knowledge about formation of real estate value, it`s impacting factors and calculation of real estate market and cadastral value; 5. to provide students with overall knowledge about the most significant instruments for sustainable use of resources; 6. to increase students skills and abilities in forest inventory and economic assessment of forest resources,calculation of real estate market and cadastral value as well as identifyig ecosystem services. During the study course students are introduced to the Earth,natural and environmental resources (mineral resources, agriculture, forestry and energy resources), calculation of their value. During lectures a particular attention is paid to the environmental, landscape and land policy of Latvia, land reforms in Latvia and their impact on competetiveness,identification of productivity of agricultural lands, taxation of forest stands and their economic valuation and assessment as well as cadastre of the real property and cadastral valuation of the real property. During the study course students get aquinted with economic, planning and other tools of natural and environmental resources management.They aquire skills to identify forest types, economic valuation of forest stands,calculation of the market price of real estate and it`s cadastral value calculation. Students practically learn and can handle cadastre map, forest inventory data base, land survey plans and spatial plans. The study course is mainly taught in Latvian, but some lectures are taught in English. Course responsible lecturer Zaiga Krišjāne Results Knowledge: 1. Characterize Earth, nature and environmental resources (mineral resources, agriculture, forestry and energy resources) and conceptually knows the methodology and basic principles of sustainable use; 2. Have knowledge on land reforms in Latvia and its impact on the structure of real property and nowadays land-use, and explain their impact on global competetiveness; 3. Comprehends agricultural lands production assessment methodological solutions and measures (drainage,liming etc) for it`s improvement; 4. Comprehends forest inventory and apply the acquired information to identify forest types and calculate forest stands market value; 5. Comprehends the factors forming the market value of real estate and their impact on the real estate market and cadastral values; Skills : 6. Calculate market and cadastral value of agricultural and forest lands; 7. Handling with cadastre maps, forest inventory data base, land survey plans and spatial plans; Competence: 8. Comprehensively analyse the area from the point of available nature and environmental resources; 9. Understanding of impact of one or another action on the value of the ecosystem services, market value and cadastral value of the particular area; 10. Reasonably substantiate the sustainability of the use of natural and environmental resources in the management and planning of territories
Assessment and management of resources

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