Electroweak and strong interactions  

The Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics provides an excellent theoretical description of elementary matter particles and their interactions through the electroweak and strong forces. Important notions such as (chiral) gauge theories and the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism are introduced and applied to the Standard Model. Ample time is spent to the Brout-Englert-Higgs particle and its phenomenology. Flavor physics (CKM matrix, CP violation) and neutrino physics (Majorana and Dirac masses, masses for neutrinos, see-saw mechanism, neutrino oscillations) are thoroughly treated. In the last part of the course we turn our attention to "beyond the Standard Model physics". After analyzing the shortcomings of the Standard Model and introducing regularization, renormalization and the running of coupling constants, we end with an introduction to grand unified theories and supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model. Because of de flood of new experimental data coming from the LHC and other experiments, the contents of the course is continously adapted to the lates insights. GENERAL COMPETENCIES The course aims at giving the student a thorough microscopic understanding of elementary matter particles and their interactions through the electroweak and strong forces. Upon completion the student should be able to follow the most recent advances in elementary particle physics. By studying certain scientific publications and presentations the student gets in touch with the current developments in the field. Ample attention is given to the methodology which led to the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The exercises and the final paper allow the student to model and analytically treat complex physical phenomena.
Electroweak and strong interactions

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