Extensions of the standard model  

We start with an overview of the problems of the Standard Model in being a complete theory of particle physics. Some experimental measured properties provide a strong constraint on the range of models to go beyond the Standard Model. We will discuss those both from the theoretical and experimental perspective. This we use as a motivation to propose different models to overcome at least some of the problems of the Standard Model. We discuss for example Grand Unification Theories, Dark Matter, Supersymmetry, and mechanisms to generate neutrino masses, and discuss anomalies and aspects of effective field theory. We provide the connection to experimental tests and the current status in the field. ALGEMENE COMPETENTIES The student obtains insight in the diverse theoretical possibilities to expand the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. The student will be able to calculate and make interpretations within the framework of these models. The student will be able to translate these models into phenomenology relevant for experimental testing, and obtain an overview of the state-of-the-art in the experimental verification of various extensions of the standard model.
Extensions of the standard model

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