Aeronautical radio systems  

Anotation: The course introduces students to the aeronautical radio engineering, aeronautical analogue, digital and satellite communication systems, aeronautical radio navigation including satellites navigation, primary secondary and passive radiolocation. The course gets students theoretical and practical knowledge of the operation of the aeronautical radio systems and their integration to the aircraft systems. Study targets: Presenting of the aeronautical radio systems. Course outlines: 1. Frequency spectra, radio wave propagation, antennas, radio communication and radar equation, aeronautical civil radio communication service. 2. Shannon model of the communication systems, digital and analogue modulations, source and channel coding, multiple access. 3. Aeronautical radio receivers and transmitters, requirements, architecture, radio function blocks. 4. Aeronautical analogue and digital communication systems, radio digital links, HFDL, VDL, SATCOM. 5. Fundaments of radio navigation, AoA, ToA, TDoA, SS, triangulation, multilateration. 6. Aeronautical terrestrial navigation system, DME, ILS, VOR, radio altimeter. 7. Satellite position determination, equations of the satellite trajectory and their solution, Kepler parameters. 8. User position determination, time base, relativistic effects, one-time positioning methods, measurement errors. 9. Satellite navigation signals, BPSK and BOC modulation, ranging codes, spectra and correlation function, ionosphere refraction, dual frequency measurement. 10. Processing of the satellite navigation signals, correlator, measurement errors, and acquisition, serial and parallel methods. 11. Requirements on precision, integrity, continuity and availability of the aeronautical navigation systems, differential measurement, high sensitivity, RTK. 12. Overview of the satellite navigation systems, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass, augmentation systems WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN. 13. Radar types (primary, secondary, passive), processing of radar signals, Doppler filtration. 14. Secondary surveillance radar, mode A, C, and S, squitter, extended squitter, ADS-B, TCAS, passive radio location, directional finders. Exercises outline: The laboratory measurements will be focused on measurement of the basic radio function blocks and aeronautical transceivers, measurement of the navigation signals and receivers, especially satellites. The next part of the school term will be dealt with the algorithms of position determination in satellite navigation systems and their integration with the inertial sensors. Students will solve individual projects and present their results in small groups. 1. Laboratory exploration, safety rules 2. Radio communication and radar equation, exercise 3. Laboratory measurement of the RF amplifier 4. Laboratory measurement of the frequency mixer 5. Laboratory measurement of the receiver of the aeronautical transceiver 6. Laboratory measurement of the spectra of the GNSS signals 7. Laboratory measurement of the GNSS receiver start time, sensitivity and position determination error 8. Assign of the individual project 9. Generation of the VOR and ILS signals in GNU radio 10. Consultancy of the individual project 11. Processing of the VOR and ILS signals in GNU radio 12. Processing of the squitter and extended squitter in GNU radio 13. Supplementary measurement, presentation of the results 14. Reserve
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Aeronautical radio systems

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