Videometry and contactless measurement  

Anotation: This course focuses on CCD and CMOS video sensors, and optoelectronic sensors in general and their use in contactless videometric measurement systems. Further optical radiation, its features, behavior and its use for acquiring object parameters, optical projection system, design of measurement cameras and processing of their signal will be presented. Students will design, realize and debug an independent project - 'Optoelectronic reflective sensor', during labs. Study targets: Teach: Basics - optoelectronic sensors and optical projection system Content: This course focuses on CCD and CMOS video sensors, and optoelectronic sensors in general and their use in contactless videometric measurement systems. Further optical radiation, its features, behavior and its use for acquiring object parameters, optical projection system, design of measurement cameras and processing of their signal will be presented. Students will design, realize and debug an independent project - 'Optoelectronic reflective sensor', during labs. Course outlines: 1. Introduction to videometry and contactless measurement, optical radiation and its behavior 2. Semiconductor radiation detectors, photodiodes, semiconductor radiation sources, LED, LASER 3. Optoelectronic position sensors, triangulation sensors, laser scanning sensors, laser rangefinders 4. Sensors for infrared radiation, ultrasound sensors for measurement and robotics 5. MOS capacitor as an optical radiation detector, CCD shift register, CCD line sensors 6. CCD area sensors, arrangement, principle of operation (Full Frame, Frame Transfer, Interline Transfer) 7. CCD sensors, features and limitation, CCD cameras and their function 8. CMOS image sensor, construction, arrangement, features and its control 9. Microwave radar sensors, position measurement 10. Optical projection systems and their design, resolution limitation 11. Videosignal standards, videosignal digitalization and computer interfacing, digital camera interfaces 12. Optical radiation sources, lighting sources for measurement, structured light sources, scene lighting 13. Design of compact CMOS cameras with internal image processing for positional control 14. Design of automatic videometric inspection systems Exercises outline: In the first section of labs, students will acquaint themselves with basic optoelectronic sensors by measuring their parameters. Using this knowledge they will independently solve a project: Optoelectronic reflective sensor. This will include design of electronic circuits, selection of component parameters and simulation of the whole system. Then the students will realize and debug this project and measure its parameters. An important part of this will be creating documentation throughout the project. The complete project will be presented and defended in class. The final section of labs will deal with image sensor, cameras, optical projection systems and other sensors for contactless measurement.
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Videometry and contactless measurement

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