Basics of surveying 2  

Large-scale map (traditional and numerical), the process of its creation. Basics of construction of geodetic instruments (theodolite, leveler, electronic total station). Methods of checking and rectifying instruments. Methods of geodetic measurements to the extent necessary to make the main map. Classification of field details and technical regulations for their measurement. Designing, setting up, measuring and calculating detailed networks. The influence of the environment on the results of geodetic measurements, the phenomenon of refraction. Design exercises. Preparation of a contour map using the classical method (based on the provided measurement results). Preparation of longitudinal sections and cross sections based on the dataprovided. Geometric leveling - checking and adjusting levels. Performing technical leveling of benchmarks. Construction of theodolite - checking and rectification. Construction of an electronic total station. Measurement and calculation of the measurement network. Measurement of field details.
Basics of surveying 2

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