Block b - facultative class of limited choice /e (geographic information systems) gis applications  

GIS lectures: Defining GIS. Towards and definition of GIS. GIS and other inoframtion systems. Data and Information. Evolution of the definition and conceptual scope. GIS components. Spatial Data Models (vector and raster data models). Sources of data (topo maps, aerial and satellite images, spatial databases). Relation between GIS, Cartography, and Location-Based and Navigation Services. Lab Exercises: Practical implementation of the selected issue using SIP software, taking into account the needs of the selected local government unit. Getting to know the organizational structure of the unit chosen. Analysis and selection of data for project implementation. Realization of the GIS project using the collected DTM data, topographic maps, satellite images. Students prepare project documentation that helps them understand the various stages of the project. Students make a prototype of the system - a spatial database, geo visualize data, and implement selected elements of the system interface. Preparation of visualization: thematic map, geoportal
Block b - facultative class of limited choice /e (geographic information systems) gis applications

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