Bibliographic preparation for the research project  

In this unit the objective will be to carry out the bibliographic synthesis of the subject chosen within the framework of the unit “Research initiation project”. This 2 to 5 page document will constitute a brief state of the art on the research subject addressed in their project and the positioning of their study in this context. The bibliographic summaries will be evaluated by the internship supervisors. For projects carried out in pairs, a single bibliographic summary is required. A specific course will explain how to carry out a bibliographic synthesis. A critical analysis of an M1 project report carried out during previous years relating to a theme close to that of the research project carried out by the student (on the principle of a peer review of scientific articles), will be also to be carried out. The report to be analyzed will be provided by the project supervisor who will evaluate the review carried out by the student. This analysis will be carried out individually (even if the research project is carried out by a pair). A specific course will present the peer review process and explain its expectations.
Bibliographic preparation for the research project

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