Telecommunications transmitters and receivers  

Objectives and Contextualisation To know the different transmitters and receivers architectures, the subsystems that constitute them, and to avaluate their properties and characteristics. Avaluate the quality of the subsystems in terms of noise, distortion and analysis of the signals. To know the official nomenclature used in the different frequency bands and their use. To apply the transmission equation in order to calculate the power balance and determine the noise parameters. To understand the performance and select electronic components in RF applications. Competences Apply the necessary legislation in the exercise of the telecommunications engineer's profession and use the compulsory specifications, regulations and standards. Communication Develop ethics and professionalism. Develop personal work habits. Develop thinking habits. Select and devise communication circuits, subsystems and systems that are guided or non-guided by electromagnetic, radiofrequency or optical means to fulfil certain specifications. Work in a team. Learning Outcomes Assume social, ethical, professional and legal responsibility, if applicable, derived from professional exercise. Communicate efficiently, orally and in writing, knowledge, results and skills, both professionally and to non-expert audiences. Describe the principles for the management of the radio-electric spectrum and the allocation of frequencies. Develop independent learning strategies. Develop systemic thinking. Develop the capacity for analysis and synthesis. Select radiofrequency, microwave, broadcasting, radio-link and radio-determination circuits, subsystems and systems. Work cooperatively. Content Lesson 1. - Introduction Lesson2. - Transmistters and Receivers Architectures Lesson3. - RF Front-End - Noise Lesson4. - RF Front-End - Non Linearities Lesson5. - Frequency Synthetizers
Telecommunications transmitters and receivers

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