Trinity exercise  

Course Contents The name "Composite Trinity Exercise" is based on the fact that designing composite structures requires knowledge of production methods, materials and geometrical design. The exercise is defined in following parts: 1. Manufacturing of thermoplastic and thermoset laminates 2. Determination of fibre volume fraction, void volume fraction and density 3. Possibly C-scanning of all laminates for determination of laminate quality 4. Estimation of the maximal bending-torsion coupling for a strip of UD composite 5. Possibly manufacturing of specimens for mechanical tests, including adhesive bonding of tabs 6. Performing mechanical tests 7. Analysing the test results of the mechanical test, including failure analyses 8. Adhesion of thermoset laminates 9. Resistance welding of thermoplastic laminates 10. Possibly preparation of lap shear specimens 11. Performing lap shear tests 12. Estimation of the mechanical properties of a sandwich panel 13. Manufacturing of a sandwich panel by either vacuum infusion, pressing or vacuum bagging. 14. Performing a bending test on a sandwich panel. 15. Writing a test report. Study Goals After succeeding this course the student should be able to: - produce vacuum infusion based laminates - produce thermoplastic based laminates - evaluate laminate quality - determine fibre volume fraction of laminates. - prepare test specimen according to standards - perform tests according to test standards - apply statistical methods for determination of design allowables. - evaluate the difference between modelling and reality
Trinity exercise

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