Computing for remote sensing  

### Working language Portuguese and English ### Goals It is intended that students acquire skills and knowledge of programming/scientific computing that will allow them to develop tools and applications dedicated to the areas of Remote Sensing (RD). ### Learning outcomes and skills The program covers the Python language as a programming language, as well as the use of scientific computing libraries for manipulation and visualization of geospatial information for the development of applications. ### Working mode In person ### Prerequisites (prior knowledge) and co-requisites (concurrent knowledge) No prerequisites. ### Program Introduction to the Python language Introduction to the command line for interactive computing – IPython Data Types (variables of type int, float, byte…, strings, lists, dictionaries…) Control flow (loops, if-then conditions) Code organization (functions, modules, packages) File writing and reading, data input-output Introduction to the _numpy_ module Understand data structuring with N-dimensions array creation Array indexing, joining and cutting with indexes, masks Basic operations and manipulation of N-dimensional arrays Introduction to the 2D visualization module – _matplotlib_ Control of colors, axes and legends Creating scatter, line, and bar charts Statistical graphs, histograms Level curves, 2.5D visualization Sub-figures, graphic organization Introduction to the _s__ci__p__y_ module for scientific computing trigonometric functions statistical functions Linear Algebra, vectors and matrices Linear, polynomial and spline interpolation data input-output Visualization of georeferenced information – _b__asemap_ and _c__artopy_ map creation cartographic projections Coastlines, political boundaries, land-sea, lakes and rivers Mapping of vector information through shapefiles Data structuring in time series and dataframes – module _p__andas_ Data input-output in pandas Structured information 1D (series) and 2D (dataframes) Data organization, aggregation and indexing criteria Computing and analyzing information in pandas Control of dates and times, module _astropy_ 2D visualization and matplotlib integrated in Pandas Multi-dimensional arrays and datasets with _pandas_ and _xarray_ Input-output of structured information in netCDF Data indexing and selection Extraction and manipulation of variables Statistical analysis by dimensions and time series Reorganization and visualization ### Mandatory Bibliography Mark Lutz; [Programming Python]( "Programming Python (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 0-596-00085-5 ### Complementary Bibliography Mark Lutz; [Python pocket reference]( "Python pocket reference (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 978-1-56592-500-7 Matt A. Wood; [Python and Matplotlib essentials for scientists and engineers]( "Python and Matplotlib essentials for scientists and engineers (Opens in a new window )"). ISBN: 978-1-62705-619-9 Hans Peter Langtangen; [A primer on scientific programming with Python]( "A primer on scientific programming with Python (Opens in a new window)" ). ISBN: 978-3-642-02474-0 ### Teaching methods and learning activities Classes are based on Powerpoint presentations and Notebooks with practical exercises exemplifying the use of the various modules addressed. ### Software Python interpreter virtualbox ### Type of evaluation Evaluation by final exam ### Assessment Components Exam: 100.00% **Total:**: 100.00 ### Occupation Components Self-study: 50.00 hours Frequency of classes: 50.00 hours **Total:**: 100.00 ### Get Frequency Class attendance is mandatory. Students may lose attendance if they exceed the number of absences provided by law. ### Final classification calculation formula Final exam (100%). More information at:
Computing for remote sensing

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).