Geographic information systems  

### Working language Português - Suitable for English-speaking students _Note: Portuguese_ ### Goals Necessary theoretical bases for students to deal with representations of cartographic data in a computational environment and for the use and implementation of a GIS. ### Learning outcomes and skills Students should know the differences between raster and vector data models, and the advantages and disadvantages of each model. They should also know how to analyze GIS data from simple and spatial searches. ### Working mode In person ### Program 1\. Principles and fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. two\. Vector data: acquisition, manipulation and analysis operations with environmental data. 3\. Open Source GIS Software. Some examples of applications. 4\. Geographic databases. 5\. Raster data: acquisition, manipulation and analysis operations with environmental data. 6\. Three-dimensional terrain analysis: digital terrain models. 7\. Examples of GIS applications. 8\. Principles of geostatistics. ### Mandatory Bibliography Longley Paul A.070; [Geographic information systems and science]( "Geographic information systems and science (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 9780470870013 ### Teaching methods and learning activities Some TP classes of the curricular unit are of a more theoretical nature and others of a more practical nature, with the performance of various exercises in GIS software. In the “Other” classes, doubts will be answered about the various topics of the program and support will be given to carrying out practical computational work. The teaching means include the audiovisual material for the presentation of the classes as well as the various GIS software (proprietary and open source). ### Software QGIS ArcGIS ### Type of evaluation Distributed evaluation with final exam ### Assessment Components Exam: 60.00% Laboratory work: 40.00% **Total:**: 100.00% ### Occupation Components Frequency of classes: 50.00 hours Laboratory work: 50.00 hours **Total:**: 100.00 hours ### Get Frequency Attendance in 75% of classes. ### Final classification calculation formula The evaluation will be carried out through a practical evaluation in a computational environment (corresponds to 40% of the final classification) and a final written exam. Students must have a minimum of 8 values in each of the assessment components. The classification of the subject has a weight of 60% for the written exam (T) and 40% for the practical evaluation (P). The final classification will be: CF=T \*0.6 + P\*0.4. More information at:
Geographic information systems

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