
### Working language Português - Suitable for English-speaking students ### Goals This UC presents the main concepts of coordinate systems associated with the production of cartography, and methods of traditional and digital cartographic representation. ### Learning outcomes and skills It is intended that students: 1) Acquire basic knowledge about geographic referencing systems. 2) Know the forms of transformations between the different systems of geographic and cartographic coordinates and altimetric systems. 3) Be capable of converting and transforming coordinates using tools provided by geographic information processing programs. 4) Know the characteristics of topographic and thematic cartography, whether in analogue or digital form. 5) Understand the ways of generating maps from remote sensing images and the use of digital cartography combined with images. ### Working mode In person ### Program 1\. Physical phenomena associated with reference systems two\. Level, geoid, and ellipsoid surfaces. 3\. Geographic coordinate systems and altitude systems 4\. Local and global geodetic datum 5\. Datum Transformations 6\. Cartographic projections: main projections and their geometric properties 7\. Configuration of projections. National and European coordinate systems. 8\. Cartographic representation: scale, content and degree of generalization of a map 9\. Digital cartographic representation: vector chart and image chart 10\. Relationships between digital cartography, geographic information and remote sensing. ### Mandatory Bibliography Iliffe Jonathan; [Datums and map projections for remote sensing, GIS, and surveying]( "Datums and map projections for remote sensing, GIS , and surveying (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 9781870325288 Gaspar Joaquim Alves; [Charts and cartographic projections]( "Charts and cartographic projections (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 972-757-371-1 ### Complementary Bibliography Maling D.H.; [Coordinate systems and map projections]( "Coordinate systems and map projections (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 0-08-037234-1 Bugayevskiy Lev M.; [Map projections]( "Map projections (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 0-7484-0304-3 ### Teaching methods and learning activities Classes are based on Power Point presentations and demonstrations of the operation of coordinate transformations in some geographic information processing programs. Practical exercises will be launched with the PROJ.4 library, integrated into the QGIS program, and chart analysis. In type “O” classes, questions about these exercises will be clarified and support will be provided for carrying them out. ### Software PROJ.4 QGIS ArcGIS ### Type of evaluation Evaluation by final exam ### Assessment Components Exam: 100.00% **Total:**: 100.00% ### Occupation Components Frequency of classes: 50.00 hours Laboratory work: 50.00 hours **Total:**: 100.00 hours ### Get Frequency Attendance in 2/3 of classes. ### Final classification calculation formula 100% final exam More information at:

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