Stellar structure and evolution  

### Teaching language English _Obs.: As aulas serão em português caso todos dominem esta língua_ ### Objectives The main objective is to learn the fundamental principles that establish the internal structure and evolution of stars. To do so it is required to study in detail what are stars, their most important features and how stars work. A detailed formulation of the problem is covered by defining the equations of stellar structure and the physical relations, together with a careful identification of the relevant boundary conditions that determine the solution that represents the observations. Thus the student learns how to apply the physical principles to interpret the different phases of a star’s life, using the observations to validate the model. Some topics of active research are addressed in order to consolidate the concepts and techniques being discussed, allowing the student to learn with applications to specific/real cases. ### Learning outcomes and competences In order to acquire a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of stellar physics and how stellar models can be validated with the observations, the program is defined including the physics and mathematical principles required by stellar structure and evolution models. The program includes the concepts required to construct the model and the discussion on how this model can predict the expected observational behavior of stars, supporting the confrontation between models and astronomical observations in regimes not available in the laboratory. Thus, the contents include not only the theoretical formulation of the relevant fundamental concepts but also the detailed discussion of the observational information that is avaliable and how it can be interpreted using the models from the theoretical analysis. ### Working method Presencial ### Program 2. Observation of stars and clusters 4. Stellar structure equations 6. Physical relations relevant for the stellar interior 8. Description of the internal structure of a star and its evolution 10. Methods for study of solar/stellar interior 12. Ongoing research topics and open questions ### Mandatory literature R. Kippenhahn; [Stellar structure and evolution]( "Stellar structure and evolution (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 3540502114 ### Complementary Bibliography Clayton Donald D.; [Principles of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis]( "Principles of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 0-226-10953-4 (pbk) C. J. Hansen; [Stellar interiors]( "Stellar interiors (Opens in a new window)"). ISBN: 0-387-94138-X ### Comments from the literature References (books and reserach articles) on specific sections of the program are provided in the lecture notes and/or during the lectures. ### Teaching methods and learning activities The contents are discussed in the class by using the blackboard and the projection of plots. In the final part there is the discussion of scientific articles. Along the semester some time is used to solve exercises/examples, made available in the lecture notes. All course material is available through the Aulas na Web, including a copy of the slides used, the exercises, and the lecture notes for stellar structure and evolution. There is a reference book that is used as the primary reference, but for some itens complementary books and/or scientific articles are also provided. Teaching is organized to enable the acquisition of the formalism that describe how stars work (Chapters 2, 3 and 5), while other components develop the capacity to analyze the observations and interpret them based on the formalism being discussed (chapters 1 and 4). To do so, the lectures are a combination of theoretical discussion of the physics, identification of typical applications of stellar astronomy, and problem solving, always with emphasis on the participation of the student. Chapter 6 seeks to use active research topics to reinforce the importance of the concepts discussed and to allow the student to recongnize the value of what is learned in the various chapters, as a necessary and useful tool for research in stellar physics. ### keywords Physical sciences Physical sciences > Astronomy Physical sciences > Astronomy > Astrophysics ### Evaluation Type Distributed evaluation with final exam ### Assessment Components Presentation/discussion of a scientific work: 25,00% Exam: 70,00% Presential participation: 5,00% **Total:**: 100,00% ### Amount of time allocated to each course unit Presentation/discussion of a scientific work: 30,00 hours Autonomous study: 90,00 hours Frequency in classes: 42,00 hours **Total:**: 162,00 hours ### Eligibility for exams The student will not be able to complete the course if he/she does not participate in half of the lectures. There will be an attendance log in all classes. ### Calculation formula of final grade The final rating has the following components: 1. 14 points - the final written exam with consultation (minimum grade is required in this component of one third) 2. 5 points - presentation and discussion of a topic 3. 1 point - active participation in classes, to be evaluated by submitting questions, solutions for problems to be proposed, discussion of the individual work and its progress, discussion of research articles, etc. The student may request an additional assessment as allowed by the Evaluation Regulation of FCUP. ### Examinations or Special Assignments The presentation will be a review of a current research topic: it aims to ask students to produce a detailed review of topic on Stellar Structure and Evolution. The choice of topic is made at the beginning of the semester, and students are expected to look for additional/complementary information, namely in scientific articles (for example in the Astrophysics Data System or in specific journals). The presentation and its discussion will take place at the end of the semester. The evaluation is associated with: * depth of the topic addressed; scope of the topics discussed; clarity in approach and proper description * well-structured and clear presentation, with relevant and easy-to-read slides, including useful figures and correctly planned for the time available. * capacity to have a in deep discussion, which demonstrates having understood the topics presented, showing copacity to argue and clarify the content that was presented. More information at:
Stellar structure and evolution

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