Computational gas dynamics  

One of the greatest difficulties encountered in the practical use in terms of engineering applications of computational fluid dynamics is the competitiveness of tasks, and related problems, which are by their nature very different. To name a few: the choice of computational mesh, solution algorithm, turbulence model, etc. Therefore, the training objectives will focus on the knowledge and understanding of a broad spectrum of numerical methods, physical models and analysis techniques relevant to aerodynamic design in the compressible regime, as well as on the acquisition of the ability to identify the physical problem of interest, the choice of an appropriate approach for numerical modeling and the critical evaluation of the results obtained. In addition, great emphasis will be placed on a project, hopefully a group project, aimed at the solution/simulation of a specific problem. This will address virtually all phases of the CFD workflow, pre-processing, resolution and post-processing. The team will have to organize meetings, manage resources, handle task dependence, report on calculations, and conduct comprehensive analysis. The group project is central to this course, as it creates a virtual consulting environment, bringing together students with diverse backgrounds to solve a real problem. Problem solving and project coordination must be undertaken on an individual and team basis. Students will also develop interpersonal skills needed to pursue their future careers as engineering and technology leaders. At the end of the project, the team will give a presentation in which they will outline the problems encountered and the results achieved.
Computational gas dynamics

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