Data analysis and statistical modelling  

Prerequisites Probability and Statistics. Objectives - Introduction to Applied Statistics and its relevance in Data Science. - Analyze real data using statistical methods to extract relevant information about them and solve practical problems using statistical software. - Know the advantages and limitations of various statistical methodologies to make out the most of them in solving real problems. - Find statistical evidence in the data based on models adjusted to the observations collected. Infer about hypotheses of interest associated with the selected models. - Solve a real problem using the knowledge accumulated in this course: computational project. Program 1. Exploratory data analysis: (i) Introduction to R. (ii) Visualization of different types of data. (iii) Treatment of missing values. (iv) Outlier detection. 2. Dimensionality reduction: principal component analysis. Covariance and correlation matrices. 3. Regression models: Gaussian, Logistic, Poisson. Variable Selection. Diagnostic Techniques. Model validation. Prediction. 4. Modeling independent data versus time dependent data. 5. Resampling methods: Jackknife, bootstrap, permutation testing and cross-validation. 6. Elements of the Bayesian methodology: a priori representation (conjugate and non-informative distributions), inference by the Bayes theorem and applications to real data problems. 7. Classification: Total probability of misclassification, Fisher linear discriminant analysis, Bayes classification rule. Evaluation of the performance of a classification rule. Evaluation Methodology A Test of 1h30m (50%), with a minimum grade of 8.0, and a Computational Project (50%) Cross-Competence Component Critical and Innovative Thinking - Project realization involves components of strategic thinking, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving strategies without explicit evaluation. Intrapersonal Competencies - Project realization involves components of productivity and time management, stress management, proactivity and initiative, intrinsic motivation and decision making without explicit evaluation. Interpersonal Skills - In assessing the project report, 10% of the rating is given to the form of the reports and 10% of the rating is given to the oral presentation and discussion of the project. Laboratorial Component Laboratory work performed with the help of R (or equivalent). Programming and Computing Component The laboratory and project work involve R programming. The evaluation percentage in this component is 50%. More information at:
Data analysis and statistical modelling

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