Network and computer security  

Prerequisites Bachelor courses on computer networks and distributed systems Objectives The main goal of this course is to provide students with the basic set of concepts, methodologies and tools on computer and network security. This will make them comfortable with security aspects in a broad set of technologies such as: local and global networks, personal and private networks, development of secure code, operating systems, distributed systems, and communication protocols.  Program • Introduction • Programming vulnerabilities and background for the development of secure code • Network security and vulnerabilities • Firewalls and intrusion detection systems • Symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption • Cryptographic hash functions • Message authentication and digital signatures • Distribution protocols and management of symmetrical keys • Digital certificates and public key distribution infrastructures • Authentication and authentication protocols • Authorization • Wireless networks security • Virtual private networks and secure channels Evaluation Methodology Exame (60%) + Project (40%)      Cross-Competence Component The final project is proposed by the student in accordance to existing security challenges in the society. The students themselves have to define the goals and requirements for their proposed solution, in accordance with their motivations. The work is structured according to the defined team (typically 3 elements) and according to their knowledge and programming/development skills. This allows students to develop within a team their one solution according to their ideas and interests. Laboratorial Component Practical work on some of the key technologies discussed in the theoretical lectures followed by definition and development of the final project work Programming and Computing Component In the course where this UC is offered the Computing and Programming components are assured according to MEPP 2122. More information at:
Network and computer security

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