Master of Big Data Analytics  

The Master's Degree focuses on training related to the development of software for Big Data Analysis on Social Networks, Big Data Ecosystem Security, Digital Big Data and Computer Forensics and Intelligent Personalized Medicine Systems. The specialized disciplines are related to the most up-to-date areas of software science and informatics (cloud platforms and services, big data analysis, knowledge extraction, decision making). The practical orientation of the training is related to the development of coursework in compulsory disciplines and individual software projects in selected disciplines. A diploma thesis is being developed during the last academic semester. Graduates in the specialty “Analysis of Large Arrays and Data Flows” receive a Master's Degree in Computer Science, Big Data Analyst.
The specialty “Big Data Analytics” is among the 5 with highest income for graduates according to the rating system of higher schools. They could find work as: 1. analyzers and software specialists in scientific institutes, organizations and companies, using contemporary information technologies; 2. analyzers in software companies; 3. analyzers in state administration, in the development of e-management; 4. in financial and insurance institutions; 5. university lecturers and research workers.
Master of Big Data Analytics

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