Robotics and Visual Information Processing
Aim Giving tutorials from the elements to some high-level concepts in the field of robotics and visual information processing. Learn the latest state-of-art research results from internationally acknowledged speakers. Feel the culturally rich atmosphere of the historic town of Veszprém during the summer programs of the European Capital of Culture. Scope GPU programming: Introduction to parallel computing and the GPU architecture, the basics of GPU programming and parallel algorithms, case studies of GPU accelerated applications including numerical simulation, image processing, data analysis. Brain Imaging: Introduction to the fundamentals of brain imaging technologies (CT, MRI, PET, EEG). The electrophysiological basis of EEG, introduction to signal processing and the analysis of EEG signals, fundamentals of Brain Computer Interfaces. Robotics: Basic coordinate geometry behind robotics: rotation, homogeneous transformations. Mobile robotics: kinematics, localization, mapping, navigation. A general introduction to the kinematics of robot manipulators. Robot programming. Computer Vision: Basic concepts of computer vision including camera models, camera calibration, pose estimation. Low-level and semantic approaches for image segmentation, object recognition, and anomaly detection. the University of Pannonia, Hungary we have a more than three decades history of teaching computer science and related areas. We believe that due to the continuous and rapid developments in computer science and engineering experts must have a wide range of knowledge, need to understand the interactions between different fields, and beside to have the ability of fast learning, also need deep understanding the underlying theories. From 3 to 13 July 2023 we organize a 10 days intensive summer course with three main interacting areas: Mobile robotics Computer vision and image processing GPU programming and brain imaging Beside giving the theoretic backgrounds for BSc level students, small teams are going to work on practical problems of one of the above fields.
Robotics and Visual Information Processing
Summer School

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