Science methodology (scm)  

During the BSc and MSc education, students learn lots of scientific facts, but do they know how science works? In this course the basic principles of the methodology used in the natural sciences are taught. The aim is to let the student contemplate on concepts like ‘truth’, ‘experiments’, ‘models’, ‘confirmation/falsification’ and make the student aware of the limitations of the ability to make objective observations. Also current practices, like the mechanisms of research funding, ‘publish or perish’ dogma and the importance of impact as well as integrity and ethics in science will be discussed Outcome: At the end of the course students: have a basic knowledge of the philosophy of science have a basic understanding of modern scientific practices can critically discuss aspects of the scientific enterprise orally as well as in writing can critically discuss the relation of science and society orally as well as in writing
Science methodology (scm)

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