Spectroscopy in astronomy  

Hartree-Fock theory of atom and molecule. Atomic and molecular orbitals. Energy levels of atoms and molecules. Born - Oppenheimer approximation. Rotational and vibrational states of diatomic molecules. Rotational levels of polyatomic molecules. Vibration of polyatomic molecules. Electron states and electron spectra. atoms and molecules Symmetry of transitions, selection rules. Spin-orbital coupling. Summary of quantum mechanical theory of rotational moment. Spectroscopic methods in astronomy, modeling of synthetic spectra and fitting methods. Emission, absorption and reflectance spectroscopy in stellar, galactic and interplanetary astronomy. Outcome: Gaining a basic overview of the energy states of atoms and molecules, their spectral characteristics, quantum-chemical description of rotational and vibrational motions, basic types of molecular spectroscopy, selection rules, their origin. To provide an overview of methods and applications of spectroscopic research in astronomy.
Spectroscopy in astronomy

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