Data mining for business analytics  

Enterprises, organizations and individuals are creating, collecting, and using massive amount of structured and unstructured data with the goal to convert the information into knowledge, to improve the quality and the efficiency of their decision-making process, and to better position themselves to the highly competitive marketplace. Data mining is the process of finding, extracting, visualizing and reporting useful information and insights from both small and large datasets with the help of sophisticated data analysis methods. It is part of the business analytics, which refers to the process of leveraging different forms of analytical techniques to achieve desired business outcomes through requiring business relevancy, actionable insight, performance management, and value management. The students in this course will study the fundamental principles and techniques of data mining. They will learn how to apply advanced models and software applications for data mining. Finally, students will learn how to examine the overall business process of an organization or a project with the goal to understand (i) the business context where hidden internal and external value is to be identified and captured, and (ii) exactly what the selected data mining method does Outcome: Not Provided
Data mining for business analytics

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